The Call of Nehemiah (Nehemiah’s Burning Bush)

The Call of Nehemiah

If you are not familiar with Nehemiah, he is the guy in the Old Testament that returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the gates of the city. He is known for his great leadership and decisiveness in decision making under duress. What he accomplished in the time he accomplished is amazing when you look at the enormity of the task.

When I heard of Nehemiah and read his story, I did not realize he was not called to rebuild the gates and walls of Jerusalem. I have read his story multiple times because I have read the entire bible several times. For reasons I cannot explain I always thought he was called by God to rebuild the gates. But recently as I was reading and studying this man, I realize he was never called to do anything. I assumed even after having read the story that God had specifically called him as he did with Abraham, Moses, Noah, Saul, David, Solomon, Jonah, Gideon, Samuel, Paul, Matthew, Peter  and many others in the Old and New Testament.

As a matter of fact, He was not even the first one to know about the situation. He heard of it through the grape vine if you will. There were many others who could have taken up the cause, but he was the one who did. Nehemiah was not sitting around wondering what the call of God was for his life. He had a high-ranking position in the king’s court. Which meant he was well taken cared off. He was not looking for a new job or to start a new enterprise. He did not see clouds of heaven open over his life and hear a voice that said you were created for such a time as this. All he did was inquire about the remnant of Jews remaining in the promise land after the exile.

The point is this, we make a big deal about knowing what the call of God is on our lives’. We agonize about it we want to find meaning and purpose in our existence. We pray about it we can become despondent because we feel our lives are a meaning less humdrum existence without purpose.

Nehemiah was not looking for the call of God he was successful. He was in the King’s court attending to the King on a daily basis. He was fulfilling and important role in the nation. He knew all the right people.

What happened? He heard a report that broke his heart and he decided to do something about it. Nehemiah was not responding to the call of God He was responding to a need God place in his heart. He needed to do something about the situation in Jerusalem.  The burden in his heart became the call of God in his life.

Nehemiah 2: 12

Then I arose in the night, I and a few men with me. And I told no one what my God had put into my heart to do for Jerusalem.

This verse is the closest we get to a “calling” from God in Nehemiah’s life. What God did was make Nehemiah aware of a need and Nehemiah responded to it. Anyone who was aware of the condition of the gates and walls of the city of Jerusalem could have accept the burden and moved to repair the gates and God would have prepared a way.

We are all looking for a burning bush experience with regard to the call of God in our lives when we should be looking for the burden in our hearts and allowing God to turn that burden into purpose.  

There are a plethora of needs in the world today, Pick one do something about it and let God bless you with passion and purpose.

About Ruben

I am the owner of a custom furniture shop in Orlando, Florida. I had a heart attack back in 2010. As a result of complications from the heart attack I almost died . The road to recovery took about eighteen months and even now I still have issues to deal with. As a result of almost dying many things have changed. Most notably my concept of time. By that I mean that I am acutely aware of my mortality, not morbidly but realistically. Before the heart attack I thought I would make it to 70's, 80'S or as my mother into 90's but now I realize everyday is a gift. I don't take it for granted. That is why I write I have something to say and I want to say it, before I can't say it anymore.
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